Theremino is a different system from Arduino, it can be complementary to it. Even this little board with its software opens up new possibilities for teaching.
On this page some notes. We attempt to enclose all in a single page to show the simplicity of this new system.
Please refer to the official website for further information and more details
how to begin
You can buy only the Theremino Master (19.90 euro here:
→ uses 8 bits for the transmission of data if you don't need of high precision
types with pullup, its name ends with "_pu", allow to connect a device without pullup resistors.
To facilitate connections and modular system Theremino transforms all raw values ??in a "range" standard from 0 to 1000
Sub PausableExecution()
Dim X as single=readSlot(1)
If X>=0 and X<=250 then
End if
If X>250 and X<=500 then
End if
If X>0 and X<=750 then
End if
If X>750 and X<=1000 then
End if
End Sub
In "Arm properties" set lenghts of four links LenX, LenY e LenZ. In cells "Delta" set the angles of the links.
sonorous tomatoes
as the Makey Makey
you connect cables to Signal. Then you connect bananas, apples, glasses of water, metallic objects...
Select Pin type: Cap_8
set "Proportional area" to 0.
set "Min variation" a 100. Look at HAL the values of the column "value". 1000 is on, 0 is off. If you touch the apple and the value is still 0, set a smaller value (20 - 50). If happens that you are touching nothing but a value is 1000, set an higher value (150-200)
Use short wires. They have to not touch each other. Don't move them. If you move press again Recognize .
Using Theremino_KeyManager_V1.0 , you can assign to each pin a key of Pc's keyboard. Then you can use any app you want. To play music you can use this app . Set your pins as: Q - W - E - R - T - Y
Arduino and Theremino
work in progress
Theremino System
Theremino is an Open Source system for teaching and scientific applications, which allows the PC to interface with the outside world. There are many examples, from the simple (turn on an LED), to complex scientific applications (gamma spectrometry). Can be measured, with cheap sensors, each type of physical quantity, temperature, radiation, magnetic fields to chemical compounds. And you can control servos, motors, LEDs and lamps, ovens, solenoid valves, relays, process controls, robots, etc..
Unlike similar systems (eg Arduino), the system works just turned on and does not require programming the firmware.